Would you like to bring your existing world to your ServerFlex Factorio server?
Note: You must turn off your server before you uploading a new world.
You need to upload your existing save to your server. Factorio servers save to .zip archives (usually called save.zip). If your existing save archive is less than 100MB you can upload this through the Control Panel, otherwise you will need to use an FTP (File Transfer Protocol) client such as FileZilla.
Upload your existing world to your server.
Upload using the Control Panel
- Go to your server on our Control Panel.
- Find Files in the navigation bar.
- Delete the file save.zip
- On your computer rename the ZIP archive to save.zip
- Upload it to your server.
- Restart your server.
Upload using FTP (FIleZilla)
Enter the details shown below into your FTP client's quick connect bar.
- Host: file.serverflex.io
- Port: 21
- Username: Your email address
- Password: Your account password
Note: Our FTP service uses FTPS - your files an encrypted during transit.

Click Connect and you will be connected to our Unified FTP system. (Accept the security certificate if prompted.) Look towards the bottom right and you will see a list of directories, one of these will be your Factorio Server - find your server and double click.

Find the save zip file for your Factorio world on your local computer - and simply drop it into your server's directory in your FTP client.
Select the world and restart your server
Next return to the Control Panel and find your Factorio server. Go to your Server's Settings and on the left menu, click Saves. The world you just uploaded should be visible. Click on the box to select a world and then restart your server.